Humanity’s Great Transformation

Can you feel the change in the air? Many folks comment they can feel “it” coming. They talk and write about what they anticipate will arrive. Indigenousness leaders, futurists, spiritists, astrologers, and many ordinary people from all walks of life are discussing what is believed to be an anticipated massive energetic shift for humanity.

Some in the New Age community are referring to this as New Earth as described by Ekhardt Tolle in his book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. or as described by David Korten’s, The Great Transition. Whatever name it ends up being referred to, given the frightening nature of the Meta-Crisis (28+ poly crises), we are likely facing a positive energetic change that can’t come too soon. No question it will be disruptive for everyone. Humans often expect others to change.  It is far more difficult to willingly embrace changes within oneself. This Great Transition (or whatever we call it) is being described as more change in a concentrated period (about the next 7-8 years) than humanity has ever experienced. It will be painful for many unwilling to adapt.

By insufficiently adapting to and healing ourselves and our systemic crises, we risk collapsing our global civilization into a new Dark Age. We could project destabilized ecological systems no longer being able to support stable civilizations. (There is an MIT report that was updated at KPMG saying societal collapse was probable by 2040 if changes are not made). Ruling classes could then subjugate ordinary people into a new Feudalism with the help of dystopic technologies. Yet we have seen, through shifts such as the Renaissance into The Enlightenment, how we can utilize our human capacities in ways that can support our collective flourishing.

In the United States, our civilization operates on an 18th-century operating system with 20th-century updates. Our economies are largely in service to profit over any higher ideal. In our work, we take inspiration from the arts, humanities, philosophy, and more to consider what a 21st-century society could look like if we designed on the foundations of supporting mass human flourishing. 

An imperfect analogy might be to think of how after the Black Plague and the Dark Ages by engaging our intellect in new ways we emerged into the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. This brought about approximately 1000 years of growth from the arts to economics, governance, and more. That phase of humanity’s development has seemingly ended. Our governance is failing, greed seems to rule the day, and technology is fueling our fears. Everyone seems anxious on some level. Can you say climate anxiety? Let’s not forget the Meta Crisis. 

If we can collectively embrace these times of change, it can be for those who embrace the change good times ahead.

 The old-school traditional modes of operating and autocratic leaders will be out, making room for a whole new way of being in our collective world. Whether you believe in this idea or not, the Meta Crisis is quite clearly here with frightening downsides.  In some form or other most of us own insurance to protect ourselves. I feel certain these expanded values introduced below will pay off. If this is too woo-woo for you, maybe just take the values discussed below as a better way of being period. 

As the song says, we need a new drug. This post is intended as a conversation starter. Maybe one of the most important conversations humanity has or will have.    


Our anticipated NEW Times collective social values:


Wisdom is valued as primary as paired with our intellect (coherence (the integration of all the parts of our brain with our heart and gut into a new more powerful operating unit), consciousness, flow, love, and spirituality) (This can include evolutionary brain changes which in my opinion bode well for practitioners) We are ONE is fundamental, natural law is viewed as a fundamental truth that can be built on. 7TH generation planning.  

We apply WISDOM to technology adoption as it accelerates

Collaboration is primary and comes into balance with competition (Matriarchy and patriarchal balance) Co-creation is a norm. 

Economic Justice, everyone has “enough” we value life over money

Wellbeing and whole health are primary for everyone (a collective deep sense of purpose, stress management, socialization, diet, exercise, a society fully supportive of healthy habits, etc.)

Mental health, shadow work, ego work, shame (think substance issues), etc. are openly discussed and supported

There is equity and inclusion for everyone viewed broadly

The economy is fully regenerative, circular, and sustainabl

Environmental and social regeneration is primary (we abandon GDP for Genuine Progress Indicators/Gross National Happiness)

A broad consensus is primary in politics and organizations (top-down autocrats fade away)

We embrace change when a need (think poly crisis) comes to conscious awareness (we collectively don’t bypass hard choices)  

Systems approach to challenges becomes normative with an immediate emphasis on solving the Meta Crisis (28+ poly crisis) 

Art, culture, and creativity are highly valued

Education is highly valued with a broad diversity of wisdom-based ideas in discussion. We train young people to be fully effective as human beings.

Place-based human scale community is fundamental in most of society

Play, fun, and joy are seen as valuable

Peace at every level is primary

Manners and etiquette matter (even in business)

Actual justice comes from our legal processes and simplicity replaces bureaucracy

We all have deeply felt hope for our individual and collective futures.

This is an opinion piece (mine yet supported by many). These are in my opinion the values that we will collectively embrace in the near to medium-term future. Not everyone will embrace many or any of these. By the nature of the energetic shift, this is what I believe will come to pass. Ten years from now we can reconvene and see how we did. Until then happy transition. 


If societal values are a bit overwhelming for you? Originally, I intended to end this post with the above values until I recently came upon a website by Kirste Liegmann. with a list of life principles that seemed to dovetail well with my list of societal values during this challenging yet exciting time. I appreciated her list so I have included them here you’re your transformational pleasure.















We individually and collectively have work to do. I remain hopeful and opportunistic. Fasten your seat belt it may well be a wild ride, yet preparation remains a key ingredient to thriving. My assumption is these lists will evolve, yet I can’t picture a world that is not better off by moving in this direction.  Stay tuned, I have a lot more to share about how individuals and organizations can thrive during these disruptive times.



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